Dry, overgrown and uncared for.
Is that me?
Nooo! It's my garden back home.
It has been neglected for 12 weeks and so Steve had the task of using his slash and burn technique to subdue the weeds, deadhead son no. 2 for failure to water and remove all brown, withered growth to the dump. He assures me that it looks much better now.
But I miss my lychnis, my lavender, my honeysuckle and clematis. Here on the windowsill -no way can you call it a balcony- I cram some form of greenery and Steve adds a vine because he loves them. When we go home to England the plants either survive according to the vagaries of the weather, come home with us in the car like pets, or die. This time the travelling plants are a bay, a fantastically scented rose called Brocéliande and a third vine.
But first we have to go to Burgundy, taste some/lots of wine, eat at a Michelin restaurant and discover Beaune.
Can I have one too? We made a swift crossing - booze cruise to you at Easter and came back with 6 months worth.
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